
A QNP Problem is an AOV network,like transitive system迁移系统.policy :state action。 Samillar to turing machine = algorithm. Model checking,descripe it in logic like ATL* . Actually ,many paper use FOND because it is easier. Maybe a new logic.

  1. QNP
  1. MyND之类/辣个改进的granphplanner

  2. solution graph (data flow controllor chart)

  3. AST

  4. Program

Read QNP first paper: LL domain plan problem <--->linked list program problem

Extended LL Domain

Extended LL Domain

  • Imperative programming language Parser tree LLVM:IR C-like program

  • Coq-extraction Functional problem :OCAML/HASKELL Why tool

  • CP编译原理知识中,对解析器parser之后AST抽象语法树,进行“类型检查/有效性分析”。甚至现在已经有程序终止性测试软件。 Maybe using many technology in IC3/nuSMV,format 程序验证/program with branches and loop 终止性测试.https://zybuluo.com/sangyy/note/128535

  • 分支:RL Solver交互沟通,就像pddlgym项目一样的qnpgym?**Find an path in the AOV network. **

下图可以改造为经典Gripper问题 rl+qnp 马尔可夫markov无记忆,state→ action,

有论文可以做到有记忆的trajectory → action,记忆变量就是qnp的数值变量,比如《Reinforcement Learning with Non-Markovian Rewards》

近两年来有一些工作是把深度学习方法用于求解规划问题的,2020 ICAPS main page。 https://icaps20subpages.icaps-conference.org/workshops/prl/

从概率推理的角度理解强化学习和控制(一) - stone的文章 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/339881664 Generalized planning with deep reinforcement learning Symbolic Plans as High-Level Instructions for Reinforcement Learning。 Learning Neural Search Policies for Classical Planning 近两年来有一些工作是把深度学习方法用于求解规划问题的。 人们普遍认为确定性策略的RL不存在,直到2014年Silver在Derterministic policy gradient algorithm中提出确定性策略。 2015,DeepMind+DQNDDPG算法(continuous control with deep reinforcement learning)

  • 分支:iasabelle,Coq辅助证明|"推理"出终止性,modelchecking,软件系统可信性那套

  • 逻辑公式演算,谓词等天然形成的Golog类似逻辑式命令式程序运行在prolog上

  • 逻辑公式演算还天然形成自然生成OCAML等“函数式编程语言”,具体已经实现的有:Coq 的Extraction
  • DSL,编译原理前端的“语法分析词法分析等形成中间表达”,通过AST等效转换为c-like 程序。(这个没看到在做的论文)